Linhas Verticais

um blog sobre musica, arte, programação e outras coisas.

About janeiro 21, 2008

Linha vertical: Ela divide o espaço em duas partes assim como pode ligar o ceu e a terra.

Neste blog escrevo sobre musica, ciencia, arte, fotografia astronomia e outras coisas que gosto, tambem sobre a minha relação com esse estranho mundo e as pessoas que habitam nele.


13 Responses to “About”

  1. Anderson Says:

    awe mano sera q dava pra vc me manda o editor de vob do lfs?? vlw 😀

    • rangelfisica Says:

      Sorry, the VOB edit for LFS is illegal.
      I remove the post and close the source code. Magnot, Alice and Daves have did it before. My program is not complet, only export and import VOB LFS file for 3DS, not edit.

  2. stickylfs Says:

    Have you got msn rangel?

  3. ludwig Says:

    e ae Rangel!!!
    ow solta esse s15 logo plz!!!! t-t

    uahauhauh ta mt loko!! parabéns

  4. playa Says:

    Hello again, Rangel,

    I got my exporter/importer working but the problem is that imported models have no colliding faces which means that you can drive through the walls. I have tried changing faces’ flags but it has no effect over collisions.. Where could the problem be?

  5. playa Says:

    couldn’t find your e-mail, here’s the file

    materials and textures are taken from mrt, just to get the vob working, currently I have model only.

  6. fabio Says:


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